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Be careful about criminals target companies using concerns about the coronavirus epidemic


Criminals are using concerns about the coronavirus epidemic to spread infections of their own. They are forging emails mentioning the outbreak that appear to be from business partners in an effort to get users to open the messages, unleashing malware.

Criminals are using concerns about the coronavirus epidemic to spread infections of their own. They are forging emails mentioning the outbreak that appear to be from business partners in an effort to get users to open the messages, unleashing malware.

They are even disguising themselves as WHO to steal money or sensitive information. If you are contacted by a person or organization that appears to be from WHO, verify their authenticity before responding.

Here are two helpful links/articles from WHO and The Wall Street Journal:


We will be very careful about this, especially for something important or related to payment, we will double-check or even triple-check for in order to make sure both of us are in a safe situation financially.

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