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What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency in crops?


Zinc fertilizer is an important fertilizer required by many crops. What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency in crops? What are the effects of zinc fertilizer on plants?
Zinc fertilizer is an important fertilizer required by many crops. What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency in crops? What are the effects of zinc fertilizer on plants?

Crop zinc deficiency symptoms

The symptoms of zinc deficiency in crops mainly occur in the early stage of growth, mainly manifested as short internodes, short plants, small and deformed leaves, and chlorosis stripes or flower-white stripes, forming leaf clusters. But the symptoms of zinc deficiency vary from crop to crop.

1. Zinc deficiency in rice

Symptoms generally appear 2 to 4 weeks after transplanting. First, the middle ribs of the new leaves become green and white, and then a large number of brown spots and streaks appear from the top to the bottom, from the inside to the outside of the middle and lower leaves. Withered and chapped, the new leaves are short, the upper and lower leaf pillows are juxtaposed, the leaf sheaths overlap, the tillers are small and few, the plants are short, the internodes are short, the root system is thin and reddish brown. 2. Maize zinc deficiency

Symptoms first appear in the seedling stage. The newly unearthed corn seedlings appear white. When the seedlings grow 4 to 5 leaves, yellow and white stripes parallel to the veins will appear between the veins; as the symptoms of zinc deficiency develop, some leaves Cracking along the stripe, the leaf margin is scorched, the new roots grow less, the root system becomes brown, the plant is short, the ear is short, and the grain is missing and bald.

3. Wheat zinc deficiency

Symptoms first appear in the seedling stage. The leaves of the seedlings appear abnormally grayish green, chlorosis between the veins, light gray spots appear on the surface of the leaves, the leaf tips and leaf edges yellow, and the plants are short.

4. Zinc deficiency in fruit trees

When citrus, grapes, peaches, pears, apricots, cherries, bayberry, apples and other fruit trees are deficient in zinc, the branches are shortened, the branches are rosette-shaped, and the leaves become smaller and clustered at the ends of the branches. When the symptom is serious, the new branches gradually die from top to bottom, and sometimes the leaves fall off prematurely to form withered top branches, and the fruits they bear are smaller.

5. Some vegetables lack zinc

When the tomato is deficient in zinc, the plant grows thin, the leaves are twisted, and the macula appears on the surface, and then the macula gradually expands. The whole plant yellows, and the branches and leaves sag and scorch. The result is smaller. When cucumber is deficient in zinc, the plant grows poorly. The edges of the old leaves turn yellow and zoom, and gradually expand inwards irregularly. Small yellow spots appear on the surface of the leaves. The result is short and thick. The peel forms broad green and narrow white stripes. The green color of the stripes is lighter. When the eggplant is deficient in zinc, the plant grows short, the top leaves are elongated, the sides of the leaves roll up, and the lower leaves are largely green, or even completely green.

The effect of zinc fertilizer on plants

Zinc fertilizer is a material with a marked amount of zinc to provide plant nutrients with its main effects. Commonly used zinc fertilizers are zinc plus selenium, zinc sulfate heptahydrate and zinc sulfate monohydrate. Basic zinc sulfate, zinc chloride, zinc oxide, zinc sulfide, zinc phosphate, basic zinc carbonate, zinc vitreous, lignin zinc carbonate, zinc naphthenate emulsion and chelated zinc (Na2ZnEDTA zinc treasure) can be used as zinc fat. The latter three are organic zinc fertilizers, which are easily soluble in water.

Zinc fertilizer can be applied basally, topdressed, seed soaked, seed mixed, sprayed. Generally speaking, the effect of foliar fertilizer sprayed. Application of zinc fertilizer on zinc-sensitive crops, such as corn, rice, peanuts, soybeans, sugar beets, kidney beans, fruit trees, tomatoes and other applications of zinc fertilizer is better. Applying on zinc-deficient soil: It is better to apply zinc fertilizer on the zinc-deficient soil, and do not use zinc fertilizer on the non-zinc-deficient soil.

If the plant exhibits zinc deficiency symptoms early, it may be that the temperature in early spring is low, the microbial activity is weak, the fertilizer is not completely dissolved, the seedling root activity is weak, and the absorption capacity is poor. However, this symptom disappears when the temperature increases later. Application of base fertilizer every other year: Zinc fertilizer is about 20 or 25 kg of zinc sulfate for hectares of base fertilizer. It should be applied evenly, and it should be applied every other year. Because the residual effect period of zinc fertilizer in the soil is longer, it is not necessary to apply it every year.