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Symptoms of potassium deficiency in plants Characteristics of potassium deficiency in plants


Potassium is an essential ingredient for plant growth. Plants selectively absorb water-soluble potassium ions from the soil through their roots.
Potassium is an essential ingredient for plant growth. Plants selectively absorb water-soluble potassium ions from the soil through their roots. Potassium is relatively concentrated in organs and tissues where plant metabolism is active, such as growing points, buds, young leaves and other parts. Today, I will share with you the impact of potash fertilizer on plant growth.

The nutritional functions of potassium on plants include: promoting the activity of enzymes in plants, enhancing photosynthesis, promoting sugar metabolism, promoting protein synthesis, enhancing the ability of plants to resist drought, cold, salinity, and pests. At the same time, potassium fertilizer improves the quality of plant products. Also plays an important role.

The absorption of potassium by plants is also determined by the plant species, and the order of their potassium requirements is: sunflower, buckwheat, sugar beet, potato, corn rape, leguminous crops and cereal crops.

The main characteristics of plant potassium deficiency: old leaves and leaf margins turn yellow first, then brown, scorched like shimmering, brown spots or patches appear on the leaves, but the middle of the leaves and veins remain green, with the degree of potassium deficiency Intensified, the whole leaf becomes reddish brown or withered, necrosis and shedding. But the symptoms of potassium deficiency on different crops are also specific.

Potassium deficiency in cereals: brown spots appear on the lower leaves, and the same symptoms appear on new leaves in severe cases. The leaves are soft and draped, the stems are thin, the internodes are short, the earing rate is low, the earing is uneven, and the seed setting rate is poor.

Potassium deficiency in cruciferous, leguminous, and cotton crops: the leaf veins become chlorosis, and then turn yellow, showing variegated leaves. In severe cases, the leaf margins are scorched and curled downwards, brown spots develop inward along the veins, and the epidermal tissue loses water Shrinking, the leaves are arched and sunken, gradually scorched and fallen off, and the plants are premature.

Potassium deficiency in fruit trees: The leaf edges turn yellow, necrotic tissues gradually appear, and the fruit lacks sweetness.

Because plants have high-standard absorption characteristics for potassium absorption, excessive application of potassium fertilizer will waste the amount of fertilizer, inhibit the absorption of magnesium and calcium by plants, and affect crop yield and quality.

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