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When does cucumber need to be fertilized? What kind of fertilizer is good for cucumber fertilization?


Cucumbers, also called courgettes and cucumbers, belong to the genus Cucurbitaceae, and are one of the main greenhouse products. Cucumbers consume a lot of water for growth and have strong water absorption capacity. Therefore, to plant in soil with strong water retention capacity, frequent fertilization is also required.
Cucumbers, also called courgettes and cucumbers, belong to the genus Cucurbitaceae, and are one of the main greenhouse products. Cucumbers consume a lot of water for growth and have strong water absorption capacity. Therefore, to plant in soil with strong water retention capacity, frequent fertilization is also required.

So when do cucumbers need to be fertilized? What kind of fertilizer is effective for cucumber fertilization?

When do cucumbers need to be fertilized

1. Cucumber fertilization-germination period

The germination period from sowing to the appearance of the first true leaf is generally 5 to 6 days. This period requires higher temperature and humidity to promote early and uniform emergence of seeds and increase the survival rate. During this period, the nutrient requirements are small, and it is generally only necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, which is usually organic fertilizer.

2. Cucumber fertilization-seedling stage

From the appearance of 4 to 5 true leaves to before planting, it is called the seedling stage. It takes about 30 days or more. This is the period of flower bud differentiation and the establishment of early yield. The main task of this period is to promote flower bud differentiation and root development. This period is mainly Pay attention to field management, properly control the water and squat the seedlings and ventilate the seedlings.

3. Cucumber fertilization-first flowering period

The period from planting to the opening of the first flower is the initial flowering period, which is about 25 days. This period is a stage where vegetative growth and reproductive growth occur together. At the beginning of topdressing, late-acting organic fertilizer is the main method. The management point is to increase the leaf area. And the number of female flowers to prevent excessive growth.

4. Cucumber fertilization-fruiting period

From the root melon to the fruiting period, the demand for various nutrient content reaches its peak during this period, which is a critical period for the formation of yield. During this period, the main focus was on management and the supply of water and fertilizer.

It is the root melon period that the plant growth and the number of fruiting melons have just begun, and the amount of water and fertilizer required is small, as long as the soil surface is not dry. In the second period, when the temperature rises during the growth period of the kidney melon, the required water and fertilizer continue to increase. It is also a critical period for yield formation. A large amount of topdressing must be watered once every 1 to 2 days; the end is the growth period of the top melon, the plant enters the senescence stage, and the demand for water and fertilizer is on a downward trend. It is still necessary to strengthen the management of the supply of fertilizer and water to strive for stems. The leaves do not age prematurely, prolong the fruiting period and increase the yield.

What kind of fertilizer is good for cucumber fertilization

1. Cucumber fertilization and organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizer not only provides various nutrients for cucumber growth and development, but also reduces soil bulk density, increases soil porosity, and improves soil physical and chemical properties. Therefore, organic fertilizer plays a major role in the continuous high yield of cucumbers and the improvement of the soil. During production, 2500-3000 kg of decomposed manure or 5000 kg of soil manure should be applied per mu.

2. Reasonable use of chemical fertilizers for cucumber fertilization

Cucumber has a shallow root system and is relatively weak. If the concentration of fertilizer is too high, it will cause root burning. Cucumbers should eat less and more meals when applying chemical fertilizers. The base fertilizer should be 25-30 kg diammonium and 23-27 kg potassium sulfate per mu. Topdressing is required at any time during the growth of cucumbers. The total amount of topdressing is 47-53 kg of urea and 52-58 kg of potassium sulfate per mu. The time of top dressing is generally controlled in the early stage. In the later stage of growth, it is combined with irrigation and picking to topdress nitrogen and potassium fertilizers every 7-10 days (or use equal nutrient flushing fertilization).

3. Cucumber fertilization and spraying foliar fertilizer

The foliar fertilizer is generally used in the fruiting period, and the nutrients in the early stage are sufficient. After fruiting, the reproductive growth is vigorous, and the amount of fertilizer required is large. Moreover, at this stage, the temperature is lower, the root activity is poor, and the ability to absorb nutrients is reduced. To meet the needs of normal fruiting, foliar spraying of fertilizer can supplement the plants. The nutrients needed.

In the late winter, when the growth point is stagnant, it is necessary to spray 800 times of Fengshou No. 1, or spray Yunda ~ 120, Ai Duoshou and other agents to promote normal cucumber growth. In the middle and late stages of cucumber growth, plant growth appears to be weak, and 800 times of Fengshou No. 1 is sprayed in time to prevent premature plant senescence.

4. Apply biological bacterial fertilizer to cucumber fertilization

Increasing the application of organic fertilizer and biological bacterial fertilizer, and appropriately reducing chemical fertilizers are the inevitable choices for the production of pollution-free green food. Applying 8 kg of high-quality bio-organic fertilizer at a time in the newly built shed can make cucumbers grow robust, grow more melons, grow slivers, and prolong the picking period.